Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Meditation on the local Fauna - no Flora...to dry

Went to the animal market this morning......How many things can you fit on one small scooter......at last estimate we had: 1 small scooter....2 rather plump men, an enormous sheep and at clutch of at least several chickens - head down, of course!

The sheep around here are the tough supermodels of the ruminant world. Long, spindly-legged, skinny. They look like little barrels on toothpicks, with the most enormous flap ears. It also looks like most of them fell bottom-first into vats of white paint, as most are half black/half white.

As for the camels, they seem a supercilious, cantankerous bunch - noses in the air, batting their eye-lashes and chewing their neighbours ears.

No pix, sorry. The connection is slow slow....

1 comment:

val & tim said...

Salut Solange et Eric,
Un petit mot du babuvati pour vous "féliciter" pour ces 16 heures de taxi-brousse !!! toujours d'attaque ou l'appel des bus se fait déjà plus fort ?
Bon, d'un autre côté, vous avez encore la grosse pêche !
En ce qui nous concerne j'avoue que l'option bus est la prioritaire dans tous les cas.
Bonne route à vous et à bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures mutuelles !
Le Babuvati